This is a guest post from Chris Wait (@cdwait), who is Ebooks Manager at New Directions Publishing, where he digitizes all the books. I Had This Nightmare One Time That I Worked in E-production About a week ago, I got…Continue Reading →
Here at EPUB Secrets we are very lucky to have a broad, global community of smart developers who want to share their R&D with us. This Guest Post is from Jiminy Panoz, French ebook developer extraordinaire. I love modern CSS….Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from Simon Collinson (@Simon_Collinson), a digital editor at Canelo Digital Publishing, where he corrects all the OCR. If your workflow is anything like mine, you have a toolkit of regular expressions you use to clean…Continue Reading →
This is an update of a Medium article published a few years ago which aimed to pull together places to learn more about the how-to of ebook development work. As always, please comment with corrections, additions, an compliments. There is…Continue Reading →
There was a lively #eprdctn hour today, all about metadata. Joshua Tallent and Tzviya Siegman provided much valuable information on EPUB-based metadata, ONIX submissions and updating, and new proposed EPUB3.1 inside-the-EPUB metadata. Read the Storify edition here. Next week (Feb…Continue Reading →
PePcon 2016 PePcon — The Print + ePublishing Conference — will be in San Diego from June 5–8, 2016. From now until December, you can sign up and save $200. Use code BFRI. #eprdctn hour This past Wednesday saw a Dumb Question Amnesty hour…Continue Reading →
Professional development for #eprdctn developers This week’s #eprdctn hour was all about what we read, where we go for advice, how we cope. And don’t forget: you can suggest a topic for an upcoming #eprdctn hour, or offer to host one…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn Hour: Adding read aloud content Ken Jones of CircularFlo led an interesting discussion about inserting read aloud features to Fixed Layout books. It’s a lot of hand work, but his product offers a solution. Adobe Max: Anne-Marie Concepción’s session on…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn hour: An open roundtable There was no set topic this week, so almost anything and everything about ebooks was discussed. Harry Potter: Another edition Pottermore has released new, iBooks-Author created versions of the series (available only on iBooks,…Continue Reading →
Well, there really wasn’t a dumb question among them. Lots of discussion about getting clean export from InDesign; image zoom on devices; page-list construction within InDesign; dealing with an InDesign book for EPUB export; spec’ing color in CSS. Here’s the…Continue Reading →