I had an interesting experience today with a MOBI. In a book with lots of images, many were out of place. They were correctly placed in the EPUB edition, but somehow moved around in the conversion to MOBI. Sleuth time….Continue Reading →
Kristin Brodeur tells how she won the ebookcraft challenge Starting in 2016, the ebookcraft conference has included an ebook design challenge, “So You Think You Can Code.” In 2017, the winner was Kristin Brodeur of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. In this…Continue Reading →
I am writing today as an advocate for greater attention to accessibility in the production of ebooks. I am aware that the level of attention and care that ebooks generally get can be described as, well, passing. Inside of many…Continue Reading →
Laura Brady May 30, 2017 Accessibility, Adobe, Beginner's Corner, EPUB, ePubSecrets, Examples, HTML, images, InDesign, InDesign, Markup, RegEx, resources, SECRETS, Tools, XML 9 Comments
So you’ve made an EPUB from InDesign and it looks reasonably okay. Can you ship? Well, you can do anything you want but I would suggest that there is still some heavy lifting that must be done before you send…Continue Reading →
Well, there really wasn’t a dumb question among them. Lots of discussion about getting clean export from InDesign; image zoom on devices; page-list construction within InDesign; dealing with an InDesign book for EPUB export; spec’ing color in CSS. Here’s the…Continue Reading →
The size of an ePub file is important. Some retailers— like Kindle’s Direct Publishing program—have very small maximum file sizes or charge you download fees. Each image you add can be—quite literally—costly. But it’s not just that: the size of…Continue Reading →