This is a guest post from Julian Calderazi. Julian is an ebook developer from in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We normally read that ‘producing good books is producing accessible books’, which is true. But one of the key ways to…Continue Reading →
As part of their Born Accessible initiative, Benetech is launching a new program called Global Certified Accessible. An exciting new program, and the first of it’s kind, it will verify that reviewed content meets rigorous requirements of accessible content. The…Continue Reading →
Here at EPUB Secrets we are very lucky to have a broad, global community of smart developers who want to share their R&D with us. This Guest Post is from Jiminy Panoz, French ebook developer extraordinaire. I love modern CSS….Continue Reading →
This weekend, Nate Hoffelder (@thDigitalReader) of The Digital Reader posted “iBooks 3.0 Coming Next Week – Adds More Support for Epub3” tracking clues that the Apple press event on October 23 will not only include an announcement of the iPad Mini but…Continue Reading →
I am a big fan of what the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is creating with their Readium EPUB reader. Each new version they release is better than the last, and Readium is close to supporting the entire EPUB 3.0…Continue Reading →
At PePcon 2012 last week, I kept hearing again and again that there were no EPUB 3.0 readers. While this was not true then (I used both Infogrid Pacific’s AZARDI reader and IDPF’s Readium to demo EPUB 3.0 files and capabilities…Continue Reading →
On January 31, 2012, the IDPF member groups approved the charter for a working group to add indexes support to ePUB. The EPUB 3 Indexes Charter has been released and is available on the IDPF Website and on You can also follow the…Continue Reading →
Infogrid Pacific has announced the alpha release of AZARDI Online (AZARDI OL), their online ePUB3 reader. AZARDI OL specs describe three new features, including: Support for SMIL Audio Overlays for the first time, so you can create the read-aloud function while…Continue Reading →
While the ePUB 3.0 specification was finalized in IDPF on October 11, 2011, the working group continues to work on various modules that may eventually be added to the ePUB 3.0 spec. One of these is CSS Page Templates, with…Continue Reading →
In case you did not know, O’Reilly Media’s annual Tools of Change for Publishing 2012 started today with a series of workshops in New York City. If you have never been to Tools of Change or TOC, it is like…Continue Reading →