I had an interesting experience today with a MOBI. In a book with lots of images, many were out of place. They were correctly placed in the EPUB edition, but somehow moved around in the conversion to MOBI. Sleuth time….Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from Chris Wait (@cdwait), who is Ebooks Manager at New Directions Publishing, where he digitizes all the books. I Had This Nightmare One Time That I Worked in E-production About a week ago, I got…Continue Reading →
Kindle Create: beautiful Kindle books with Enhanced Typesetting, automatic table of contents and templates. https://t.co/8hlAQoDtiU #eprdctn — Palanidaran C (@palanidaran) April 5, 2017 Via an innocuous tweet yesterday, #eprdctn was introduced to a new MOBI/KF8 creation tool called Kindle Create….Continue Reading →
Amazon has released a new version of Kindle Previewer, the tool many developers use to convert EPUBs to MOBIs. It’s available for Windows and Mac OS. Since it’s still in Beta, I won’t replace my existing Kindle Previewer version (2.941). Here’s…Continue Reading →
Did you install El Capitan and now your Kindle Previewer doesn’t work as expected? Are you getting a Java error? Here’s the solution: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?locale=en_US This is one of those errors that has been around for a while but doesn’t…Continue Reading →
If you sideload a .MOBI to to your iOS device, you’ll be disappointed; functionality and appearance are terrible. In fact, you don’t sideload a .MOBI. What you want is a file with the . AZK extension (book.azk). It’s a mildly convoluted…Continue Reading →
This morning I wanted to make a quick MOBI of a project, so I dragged its EPUB over Kindle Previewer, with Settings on iPad (where I had left it when I used Previewer last): And this is what I saw at the…Continue Reading →
I’m evaluating an EPUB project that is seemingly pretty straightforward, if long. It’s a dictionary, 1700 pages, 85,000+ entries. In looking through the pages, I realized that all those diacriticals that help pronunciation, including popular items like the schwa, the bilabial implosive,…Continue Reading →
If you work on a Mac running OS X 10.11 El Capitan (or have just installed Kindle Previewer on an older Macintosh operating system), you might get an error when launching Previewer for the first time. In fact, you probably…Continue Reading →