Matthew January 15, 2013 Beginner's Corner, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Marketing and Sales, Nook, Tools 1 Comment
Jason Boog at GalleyCat has collected links to the publishing and marketing guidelines for most of the major self-publishing outlets in his post “Free eBook Formatting & Marketing Guides for Writers.” The post includes links to Smashwords, Amazon Kindle, Barnes &…Continue Reading →
Matthew August 31, 2012 Beginner's Corner, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, HTML, iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Uncategorized 20 Comments
On August 22, Aptara (@aptara) hosted a Webinar titled “eBook & App Device Compatibility: Separating Fact from Fiction” with Joshua Tallent (@jtallent), CEO and Founder of eBook Architects, and Jean Kaplansky (@JeanKaplansky), a Solutions Architect at Aptara. It was an…Continue Reading →
At PePcon 2012 last week, I kept hearing again and again that there were no EPUB 3.0 readers. While this was not true then (I used both Infogrid Pacific’s AZARDI reader and IDPF’s Readium to demo EPUB 3.0 files and capabilities…Continue Reading →
When the ePUB 3.0 specificationwas approved in October 2011, it was somewhat surprising and certainly disappointing to many ePUB creators that there was nothing in the spec for the creation of fixed-layout ePUBs. Apple’s fixed-layout ePUB has been very popular…Continue Reading →
Matthew February 24, 2012 CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, Fonts, HTML, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Kobo, Tools, Uncategorized 27 Comments
If you need to create fixed-layout ePUBs for iBooks, there are a number of resources available for doing so. First, take a look at the iBookstore Asset Guide for Apple’s current specification. This week Anne-Marie Concepcion (@amarie) released her new…Continue Reading →
Liz Castro has a great post at her blog Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis titled “Where should an ebook begin?” In the post, she looks are various readers and what they usually show as the first page of an eBook of John…Continue Reading →
Matthew November 16, 2011 Audio/Video, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, Fonts, HTML, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Uncategorized 4 Comments
With the recent unanimous vote to elevate by the IDPF membership elevate EPUB 3.0 to a final IDPF Recommended Specification, the ePUB 3.0 specificationis now final (or as final as it can get before HTML5 is final). This means that in the…Continue Reading →