Laura Brady June 14, 2017 #eprdctn Hour, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, eretailers, Fonts, FXL, guest posts, Interactivity, Kobo 8 Comments
This is a guest post from Ben Dugas at Kobo. Ben is the Manager, Content Display Quality and Production at Rakuten Kobo Inc. in Toronto. A few times a year I’ll find myself in a conversation with Laura Brady or some…Continue Reading →
I’ve seen quite a few people on twitter asking approximately the same question: Has anyone encountered problems with video not working when testing .mobi files in the Kindle apps? #eprdctn — Charlie Stephenson (@crjs20) May 12, 2014 The best answer…Continue Reading →
Matthew February 15, 2012 Audio/Video, Beginner's Corner, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, Fonts, HTML, RegEx, Tools, Uncategorized 2 Comments
O’Reilly’s Tools of Change for Publishing 2012 continues through Wednesday, February 15. O’Reilly will continue to offer a live streaming video feed and also have recorded videos available for viewing. O’Reilly has also made presenters’ slide decks and videos of their…Continue Reading →
Matthew December 17, 2011 Audio/Video, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, Fonts, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Tools, Uncategorized 9 Comments
This week, Elizabeth Castro released a new ePUB miniguide, From InDesign CS5.5 to ePUB and Kindle. This is the fourth miniguide that Castro has done that builds on her first ePUB instructional manual, ePUB: Straight to the Point. From InDesign…Continue Reading →
Matthew November 16, 2011 Audio/Video, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, Fonts, HTML, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Uncategorized 4 Comments
With the recent unanimous vote to elevate by the IDPF membership elevate EPUB 3.0 to a final IDPF Recommended Specification, the ePUB 3.0 specificationis now final (or as final as it can get before HTML5 is final). This means that in the…Continue Reading →