Amazon has done us all a favor and added hyphenation and a new font (Bookerly), and has refined its support for drop caps. Professional typesetting standards are now supported! We can provide high-quality ebooks to our readers, knowing that a drop cap will align nicely…Continue Reading →
Infogrid Pacific has announced the alpha release of AZARDI Online (AZARDI OL), their online ePUB3 reader. AZARDI OL specs describe three new features, including: Support for SMIL Audio Overlays for the first time, so you can create the read-aloud function while…Continue Reading →
Matthew February 9, 2012 Beginner's Corner, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, HTML, iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Tools, Uncategorized 5 Comments
Liz Castro has a great post on her Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis blog titled “Multiple Indents.” The post is related to a discussion on Twitter at #ePrdctn with Natasha Fondren (@ebookartisans) on how to ensure that poetic indents will work accurately…Continue Reading →
After more than a month of waiting, Amazon has finally announced the release of its guidelines for their new format, Kindle Fire 8 (KF8) today. While Amazon’s Kindle Fire 8 format is not ePUB of any kind, Amazon does take…Continue Reading →
Matthew November 16, 2011 Audio/Video, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, Fonts, HTML, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Uncategorized 4 Comments
With the recent unanimous vote to elevate by the IDPF membership elevate EPUB 3.0 to a final IDPF Recommended Specification, the ePUB 3.0 specificationis now final (or as final as it can get before HTML5 is final). This means that in the…Continue Reading →