#eprdctn hour: XML Workflow Fact-filled hour with discussions of the hows and whys of the XML workflow, including how to get authors and editors on-board, how to edit XML-based InDesign files, MSWord considerations, and more. https://storify.com/KevinBNGO/xml-workflow EPUBCHECK 4 EpubCheck 4…Continue Reading →
Remember the Trojan Horse? The Greek army hides in a huge horse, and the horse is presented to the citizens of Troy as a gift. They bring the horse inside the city gates, the soldiers spill out, and the rest is…Continue Reading →
Well, there really wasn’t a dumb question among them. Lots of discussion about getting clean export from InDesign; image zoom on devices; page-list construction within InDesign; dealing with an InDesign book for EPUB export; spec’ing color in CSS. Here’s the…Continue Reading →
Keith Snyder (@noteon), author of recent epubsecrets post The Portuguese Case, hosted today’s #eprdctn hour. If you’re an ebook developer, check out this Storify summary of the session (assembled by @BookDesignGirl; thanks, Colleen Cunningham). There are lots of good ideas for…Continue Reading →
Tina Henderson led a discussion on iBooks Author, the Apple-only app for creating multitouch books. She provided lots of insight, wishes, hacks, and links to other valuable discussions and resources. Also covered: EPUB3 export from iBA. Read about it here:…Continue Reading →
Steve Ingle of WordCo continues his deep dive into indexing for ebooks. He’s got insight into how he works, and why InDesign isn’t suited for his methodology. Publishing non-fiction books in digital form often presents one unique challenge that does…Continue Reading →
Adobe has jut rolled out the Creative Cloud 2015 updates. Before I go any further, I want to remind anyone who hasn’t upgraded yet to make sure you read this first: http://indesignsecrets.com/avoiding-problems-installing-indesign-cc-2015.php If you speed through the update you’ll wipe…Continue Reading →
The entire 2015 Adobe Creative Cloud suite has been released. Some new features: Paragraph Shading Images in table cells Publish Online (Tech Preview, English Only) CC Libraries enhancements – Support for Para and Char styles – Linked Assets : Images,…Continue Reading →
When I first started making ebooks, I found the Twitter feed #eprdctn (either from Anne-Marie Concepción’s Lynda course on Indesign to EPUB or from Liz Castro’s EPUB Straight to the Point). I signed up for Twitter, got my own handle (@BNGObooks),…Continue Reading →
Your ebook is finished! You did your homework, fixed all the nasty errors that epubcheck threw at you, and your ebook is done. The only remaining step is to send it to Apple’s review team and cross your fingers. A…Continue Reading →