Hey, Listen! Books with Audio, Audiobooks, and Everything In-Between
On the difference between audiobooks, ebooks with media overlays, and assistive technologies.
On the difference between audiobooks, ebooks with media overlays, and assistive technologies.
This is a guest interview with Ken Jones of Circular Software. You can contact Ken on twitter @CircularKen on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/kenjones or through the website circularsoftware.com. Some people really dislike fixed-layout ebooks, how do you defend them? I usually start off by agreeing with…Continue Reading →
Adobe has announced the release of InDesign CS6 today, making this the first day that beta testers can officially post on the update. Some Adobe friendly sites already have news and reviews on the new release. If you use InDesign…Continue Reading →
O’Reilly’s Tools of Change for Publishing 2012 continues through Wednesday, February 15. O’Reilly will continue to offer a live streaming video feed and also have recorded videos available for viewing. O’Reilly has also made presenters’ slide decks and videos of their…Continue Reading →
’Tis the season of digital book publishing conferences, and with them come some opportunities to learn about ePUB 3.0 and receive some training on creating them. Digital Book World 2012 Digital Book World 2012was last week in New York City,…Continue Reading →
This week, Elizabeth Castro released a new ePUB miniguide, From InDesign CS5.5 to ePUB and Kindle. This is the fourth miniguide that Castro has done that builds on her first ePUB instructional manual, ePUB: Straight to the Point. From InDesign…Continue Reading →
With the recent unanimous vote to elevate by the IDPF membership elevate EPUB 3.0 to a final IDPF Recommended Specification, the ePUB 3.0 specificationis now final (or as final as it can get before HTML5 is final). This means that in the…Continue Reading →