InDesign CS6: Early Looks

Adobe has announced the release of InDesign CS6 today, making this the first day that beta testers can officially post on the update. Some Adobe friendly sites already have news and reviews on the new release. If you use InDesign for ePUB creation or for print layout as part of your overall print and ePUB workflow, you will want to take a look.
Adobe has full pages on InDesign CS6 on their site. You can read the Overview and watch a video. Under the Features tab, you can read up on Create engaging books for e-readers and InDesign updates like preflight and production tools, articles panel, interactive HTML, styles mapped to tags in ePUB export, embedded video and audio in eBooks, and dynamic image resizing. ID CS6 has built-in tools to help you Create interactive publications for tablets, including Liquid Layout, alternate layout, Content Collector tools, Linked Content, preflight and production tools, access to Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, interactive HTML, and packaging of digital files. There are already a number of Reviews posted if you want to see what users are saying.
You can also read the full text of Adobe’s press release announcing CS6 here. has already posted a review of sorts under “Here’s What We Love about InDesign CS6.” Features covered include creating interactive forms, alternate layouts, Liquid Layout, Linked Content, Content Collector/Content Placer tools, on-object link status and control, Primary Text Frame, text frames that auto-size, flexible columns, improved ePUB 2 export and new ePUB 3 export, grayscale preview and grayscale PDF export, align to key object, and other odds and ends.
DigitalArts has their “Review: Adobe InDesign CS6” posted. Their early response:
With these new features and tools and the New Document intent option for Digital Publishing, which allows the user to set up your document for iPhone, iPad, Fire and Xoom, it would seem that the new InDesign Creative Suite is definitely taking a big step into the realm of digital and it’s all the better for it.
PC Pro had a posted an “Adobe CS6 Design Standard review” and gives it a verdict of, “A strong update, with the three core design applications all taking big strides forward.” has post a “First Look: Adobe InDesign CS6” by Mike Rankin. His overall impression is:
Whether you’re designing for print or digital (or both), InDesign CS6 has many new features to help you create multiple versions of your layouts quickly and efficiently.
Macworld has a number of posts on Adobe Creative Suite 6.
I update this post with other early takes on InDesign CS6 throughout the day. Have you found any other looks at ID CS6? What do you think of the new features? Will you be updating immediately?
Thanks Matthew!
Another link: I have over 30 in-depth videos on the different new features in InDesign CS6.
A few of the vids are free to non-subscribers, like the one about Auto-Sizing text frames, one of my absolutely favorite new features.
I wonder if auto-sizing will also be possible in tables now? A column-autofit would be great.