On August 22, Aptara (@aptara) hosted a Webinar titled “eBook & App Device Compatibility: Separating Fact from Fiction” with Joshua Tallent (@jtallent), CEO and Founder of eBook Architects, and Jean Kaplansky (@JeanKaplansky), a Solutions Architect at Aptara. It was an…Continue Reading →
Hopefully you are still in your budgeting process for 2013 or have already earmarked money for 2013 travel and conferences because two big opportunities to learn about EPUB creation and production have opened their online registration. Digital Book World…Continue Reading →
The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) has released an update to its EPUB 3.o Support Grid, an Excel spreadsheet with comparisons of the major EPUB reader devices and apps. According to the July 17, 2012 BISG Bulletin, “Updates include new…Continue Reading →
Whenever Apple releases a new version of their Mac OS, there is concern whether the tools one uses will be supported and continue to work effectively. While Apple’s release of Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion has received favorable reviews so…Continue Reading →
At PePcon 2012, Anne-Marie Concepcion (@amarie) led a session on “Top Scripts and Resources for EPUB.” In #ePrdctn Hour on Twitter June 13 (it happens every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. EST) one of them, Kris Coppieters’s script for converting InDesign page item…Continue Reading →
I am a big fan of what the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is creating with their Readium EPUB reader. Each new version they release is better than the last, and Readium is close to supporting the entire EPUB 3.0…Continue Reading →
Lots of new releases and updates for EPUBs and EPUB creators. BISG EPUB 3.0 Support Grid The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) has released their EPUB 3.0 Support Grid which shows how various eReaders and eBook software support the new…Continue Reading →
At PePcon 2012 last week, I kept hearing again and again that there were no EPUB 3.0 readers. While this was not true then (I used both Infogrid Pacific’s AZARDI reader and IDPF’s Readium to demo EPUB 3.0 files and capabilities…Continue Reading →
Formatting Poetry in ePUB: Part 1 focused on basics of getting poetry indents right on multiple devices. In this post I wanted to give you a round up of other posts that have addressed poetry formatting issues in ePUBs. Most…Continue Reading →
Adobe has announced the release of InDesign CS6 today, making this the first day that beta testers can officially post on the update. Some Adobe friendly sites already have news and reviews on the new release. If you use InDesign…Continue Reading →