Mountain Lion and EPUB Production

Whenever Apple releases a new version of their Mac OS, there is concern whether the tools one uses will be supported and continue to work effectively. While Apple’s release of Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion has received favorable reviews so far (see the positive response from Ars Technica and Cult of Mac, and Gizmodo’s hacks to fix it’s annoyances), the question is: How will the new OS affect your EPUB creation tools?
Adobe is the first to answer this question with respect to their Creative Suite application. As reported on the Adobe blog Caveat Lector “Adobe Creative Suite and Mountain Lion (Mac OS X 10.8),” the applications “are expected to work great on Mac OS X 10.8, a.k.a Mountain Lion.”
The official response from Adobe on how Creative Suite runs on Mountain Lion can be found on the CS FAQ under “Mac OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8) compatibility.” In the FAQ, the official support on Creative Suite’s support of Mountain Lion is
Adobe and Apple have worked closely together to test Adobe® Creative Suite® 5, 5.5 and CS6 editions and individual products for reliability, performance and user experience when installed on Intel® based systems running Mac OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8). Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop® (CS3 and CS4) software were also tested with Mountain Lion and there are currently no known issues.
As with any new release of an operating system, there may be unexpected issues that arise that were not discovered during testing. If you encounter any issues, please report them on our bug reporting form.
This should be good news for anyone who use Creative Suite in the creation of EPUB, eBooks, and other digital formats.
You can download Mountain Lion from the Apple Website here.
Have you updated to Mountain Lion yet? Have you run into any issues running Creative Suite on Moutain Lion, especially CS6?
Just bought a new laptop this weekend (old one died) and because Mountain Lion just came out, the laptop came with Lion but I was given a code to redeem Mountain Lion within 30 days. I want to wait until I hear more, but sooner or later I’ll have to upgrade and will report what I find out.
I meant to include some additional information in the post. Like Lion, Mountain Lion is only available via download. If this makes you a little nervous to not have a bootable version of the new OS in case of emergency, Elaine Giles (@ElaineGiles) posted information on “How to Create a Mountain Lion Installation Disk” ( using Lion DiskMaker. Lion DiskMaker is a “free app created with AppleScript that can be used to create a bootable install disk or burn a bootable image to DVD. Despite the name the new version does work with Mountain Lion.” The post includes complete instructions on using Lion DiskMaker with Mountain Lion.
I purchased and installed Mt. Lion the day it came out and have been running InDesign CS5.5 with no problems.
I installed Mountain Lion and CS6 work great for me.
Update: we have two OS at work – one ebook developer is on Lion and the other is on Mountain Lion. There seems to be incompatibility with 1) our versions of Perl, which we use to run a script of batch regexes and 2) how white spaces within our regexes (our regexes are pasted into a TextWrangler doc from Dreamweaver) are recognized. Small headaches but enough for us to justify having to adjust our ebook workflow to accommodate for these differences.