Update to EPUBCheck

The IDPF released a new version of EPUBCheck, their EPUB validation tool. This version continues to validate both EPUB 2.0.1 and EPUB 3.0. The new verison is 3.0-RC-1. You can download the code.google.com here. I have also uploaded the file to the EPUBSecrets Dropbox here.
Individual EPUBs can still be validated online through the IDPF Website. The New Zealand eBook retailer MeBooks also has the updated online EPUBCheck on their Website.
Make sure you keep your EPUB tools current, especially as it looks like there may finally be some movement toward retailer support of EPUB 3.
Hmm… tried running it on a PC from the command line with the following command:
java.exe -jar somedirectory\epubcheck-3.0b4.jar temp.epub > errors.txt 2>&1
and I’m getting this error. (note: EPUBCheck version 3.0b4 is working fine):
Epubcheck Version 3.0-RC-1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/thaiopensource/validate/SchemaReader
at com.adobe.epubcheck.ocf.OCFChecker.(OCFChecker.java:58)
at com.adobe.epubcheck.api.EpubCheck.validate(EpubCheck.java:184)
at com.adobe.epubcheck.tool.Checker.validateFile(Checker.java:171)
at com.adobe.epubcheck.tool.Checker.run(Checker.java:227)
at com.adobe.epubcheck.tool.Checker.main(Checker.java:181)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.thaiopensource.validate.SchemaReader
I know my JRE is up to date. Any crack Java programmers out there know what’s going on? Anyone else having this problem? Thanks so much.
Also getting the same errors on Mac 10.7.5. Can’t wait for epubchecker app to be updated. http://www.rainwater-soft.com/epubchecker/
Did you solve this. Same error here.
I use sigil to edit epubs exported from adobe InDesign CS6 and then validate with epupcheck. Need to keep up-to-date about updates and most current epub production methods. I created a .bat file to run on my epubs. I also use epub preflight to catch other errors.