In Part 1 we looked at why Epubcheck is important. In Part 2 we looked at the various ways to use it. Here in Part 3 we’ll look at how to interpret the error messages and some common techniques to use…Continue Reading →
In part one of this series, we looked at why epubcheck is an important tool in any ebook maker’s toolchest. Today we look at how to use it. OK, now that we know why to use epubcheck, let’s look at…Continue Reading →
Parts of ebook creation can be confusing to those coming over from the print world. One of the tools people commonly ask me about is epubcheck. It’s a powerful tool that unfortunately isn’t the most human-friendly. Today we’ll look at…Continue Reading →
The IDPF released a new version of EPUBCheck, their EPUB validation tool. This version continues to validate both EPUB 2.0.1 and EPUB 3.0. The new verison is 3.0-RC-1. You can download the here. I have also uploaded the file to the EPUBSecrets Dropbox…Continue Reading →