Who Cares How You Read? Just Read. I saw this headline and said Amen. I’ve never thought the container matters so much as what’s being contained. I certainly enjoy beautiful book design; I just bought Patty Smith’s new memoir (M Train)…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn Hour: Adding read aloud content Ken Jones of CircularFlo led an interesting discussion about inserting read aloud features to Fixed Layout books. It’s a lot of hand work, but his product offers a solution. Adobe Max: Anne-Marie Concepción’s session on…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn hour: An open roundtable https://storify.com/LauraB7/eprdctn-roundtable There was no set topic this week, so almost anything and everything about ebooks was discussed. Harry Potter: Another edition Pottermore has released new, iBooks-Author created versions of the series (available only on iBooks,…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn hour: XML Workflow Fact-filled hour with discussions of the hows and whys of the XML workflow, including how to get authors and editors on-board, how to edit XML-based InDesign files, MSWord considerations, and more. https://storify.com/KevinBNGO/xml-workflow EPUBCHECK 4 EpubCheck 4…Continue Reading →
#eprdctn hour India Amos (@Indiamos), Senior Content Producer, ePubs, at Amplify Education, led this week’s discussion on documenting workflow. Read the Storify edition here: https://storify.com/LauraB7/eprdctn-documentation-habits EPUB hyphenation Following a spirited discussion on Twitter over how to hyphenate long names and…Continue Reading →
Kevin CallahanSeptember 18, 2015EPUB, ePubSecretsComments Off on Weekend linkages
Here are valuable and interesting links. The first two, from Tina Henderson, is all about Working with a Typesetter. Tina is a gifted book designer and compositor, with a great deal of good advice and insight. Enjoy: http://tinahenderson.com/2015/09/14/working-with-a-book-typesetter-part-1/ http://tinahenderson.com/2015/09/15/working-with-a-book-typesetter-part-2/ And this,…Continue Reading →
Just what does epubtest.org test for? Infogridpacific questions what epubtest.org is really testing Converting an ePub2 to ePub3 file Great overview of the steps needed to convert an ePub2 file to an ePub3 Best practices for Identifying Digital Content BISG…Continue Reading →
Derrick SchultzMarch 14, 2014EPUBComments Off on #eprdctn links for week of March 10
the EDUPUB Profile Make ePubs specifically for education? Check out the Draft spec of EDUPUB (via @MatthewDiener) ISBN Checker Cool little app to check your ISBNs by @gabalese Everything you wanted to know about encodings and more Corbas Consulting gives…Continue Reading →
Just what does Google Play do to my book? Not really from this week, but I neglected to add it last week (via Matthew Deiner) GlyphIgo “glyphIgo is a Swiss Army knife for dealing with fonts and EPUB eBooks.” (via…Continue Reading →
There’s a lot of great articles on the web that relate to eBook production, but sometimes its hard to keep track of them all. ePubSecrets is going to try to change that by including a weekly round-up of great content…Continue Reading →