“What can I test this EPUB file with on my Windows computer?” It’s a dreaded question for many ebook creators. While Mac users now have iBooks to push their clients to, Windows is stuck without a great EPUB3 reader. And…Continue Reading →
Derrick SchultzFebruary 9, 2015EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, SECRETS, ToolsComments Off on epubcheck 103: Reading errors
In Part 1 we looked at why Epubcheck is important. In Part 2 we looked at the various ways to use it. Here in Part 3 we’ll look at how to interpret the error messages and some common techniques to use…Continue Reading →
Last we heard, Sigil was dead, then wasn’t, then was open sourced, and then it went pretty quiet. Then, over the weekend, Sigil got a big maintenance release update. And yesterday it got another release version to fix a bug. So…Continue Reading →
In part 1 of this series we looked at the benefits of putting books on the web. In part 2 we discussed some of the things that still need improvement for books to thrive on the web. In this final…Continue Reading →
I’ll be speaking at both ebookcraft and Tech Forum in Toronto this year. My talk for ebookcraft is tentatively titled ‘Stone, bronze, iron, ink, silicon (or “I’m the laziest developer out there”).’ I’m going to discuss the general movement of software…Continue Reading →
In part one of this series, we looked at why epubcheck is an important tool in any ebook maker’s toolchest. Today we look at how to use it. OK, now that we know why to use epubcheck, let’s look at…Continue Reading →
Parts of ebook creation can be confusing to those coming over from the print world. One of the tools people commonly ask me about is epubcheck. It’s a powerful tool that unfortunately isn’t the most human-friendly. Today we’ll look at…Continue Reading →
Derrick SchultzDecember 7, 2014EPUB, InDesign, SECRETSComments Off on New InDesign 10.1 EPUB features
InDesign was updated in early October of this year and along with it came a slew of new EPUB features. And while the biggest update announced was the new Fixed Layout Interactivity, we’ll focus on just the myriad of small…Continue Reading →
Recently I led a webinar for Digital Book World on producing Books on the Web. It’s gotten a decent enough response that I thought it would be beneficial to publish some excerpts of it here as well. The first part…Continue Reading →
If you’ve been playing around with InDesign’s FXL export, you know it allows for a huge amount of interactivity with almost no hand coding. There’s just one thing they missed in the export option. When you tap on an element…Continue Reading →