Author Archive

Animations in children’s fixed-layout books

Today’s #eprdctn hour featured Diane Burns, Kris Vetter, and Laura Brady talking about two approaches to creating animation. Diane explained using InDesign CC, while Kris focused on CSS3 animations. Both had great insight and information. Be sure to scroll to…Continue Reading →

EPRDCTN on Instagram

The EPUB community is spreading its social wings even further. There’s now a page on Instagram, where you’ll find images of beautiful (and not so beautiful) ebooks, some video, a pic or two of some #eprdctn folk doing what comes naturally…Continue Reading →

Interactivity in ebooks

Justin Putney, developer of in5 and recent PePcon 2015 speaker, has written a short survey for folks interested in interactivity in ebooks. Click here to go to the survey. I saw some great examples of interactive ebooks at PePcon. It’s exciting…Continue Reading →

Amazon: Typography Rules!

Amazon has done us all a favor and added hyphenation and a new font (Bookerly), and has refined its support for drop caps. Professional typesetting standards are now supported! We can provide high-quality ebooks to our readers, knowing that a drop cap will align nicely…Continue Reading →