Kevin Callahan February 8, 2018 Accessibility, Adobe, EPUB, ePUB3, ePubSecrets, Examples, guest posts, HTML5, InDesign, InDesign, Markup, navigation 3 Comments
Robust navigation is a hallmark of EPUB3. Along with the reading system table of contents and the inside-the-book contents, Landmarks and Page List add value and functionality. They’re simple additions that make a book more accessible and easier to use….Continue Reading →
After a couple of weeks without a roundup, we have an abundance of reading, ideas, tools, and conference news. Let’s get to it! ebook Frontmatter, Including Page List Joshua Tallent continues his series on best practices for formatting frontmatter. His…Continue Reading →
Page List — an ebooks’s cross-reference to the print edition’s pagination — is an EPUB3 standard, but it’s a bear to implement coming from an InDesign workflow. Laura Brady (@LauraB7) of Brady Type introduces a time-saving pair of scripts from…Continue Reading →