EPUBSecrets #Eprdctn Links for September 1, 2017

Tablet with an item circled by a stylus. Text reads "EPUB Secrets Weekly Roundup"
  • Sumo

Welcome to the latest installment of the EPUBSecrets link post, where we curate the top stories related to digital publishing.

  1. Yes, That Web Project Should Be a PWA (A List Apart)
  2. A Neural Network Wrote the Next ‘Game of Thrones’ Book Because George R.R. Martin Hasn’t (Motherboard)
  3. A Copyright Fable: Debunking The “Seven-Second Rule” (Trademark and Copyright Law)
  4. This Chrome Extension Is Like X-Ray Vision For Web Design (FastCo)
  5. The State of Design (Pete Lacey)
  6. Why web typography really does matter (Richard Rutter)
  7. Smartphone reading on the rise (Booknet Canada)
  8. New ‘responsive’ Google Font can shapeshift to match any design (TNW)

The #Eprdctn Links post is a joint project of EPUBSecrets and Nate Hoffelder of The Digital Reader.

2 Responses to “EPUBSecrets #Eprdctn Links for September 1, 2017”

  1. Luc Prévost says:

    Great content this week!

  2. Felipe says:

    Yes, Great content