On August 22, Aptara (@aptara) hosted a Webinar titled “eBook & App Device Compatibility: Separating Fact from Fiction” with Joshua Tallent (@jtallent), CEO and Founder of eBook Architects, and Jean Kaplansky (@JeanKaplansky), a Solutions Architect at Aptara. It was an…Continue Reading →
The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) has released an update to its EPUB 3.o Support Grid, an Excel spreadsheet with comparisons of the major EPUB reader devices and apps. According to the July 17, 2012 BISG Bulletin, “Updates include new…Continue Reading →
Lots of new releases and updates for EPUBs and EPUB creators. BISG EPUB 3.0 Support Grid The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) has released their EPUB 3.0 Support Grid which shows how various eReaders and eBook software support the new…Continue Reading →
There have been a number of great posts with ePUB creation tips lately. Here are four that offer help for creating better ePUBs. Centering Text You would think centering text in an ePUB would be a simple matter, but the…Continue Reading →
When the ePUB 3.0 specificationwas approved in October 2011, it was somewhat surprising and certainly disappointing to many ePUB creators that there was nothing in the spec for the creation of fixed-layout ePUBs. Apple’s fixed-layout ePUB has been very popular…Continue Reading →
If you need to create fixed-layout ePUBs for iBooks, there are a number of resources available for doing so. First, take a look at the iBookstore Asset Guide for Apple’s current specification. This week Anne-Marie Concepcion (@amarie) released her new…Continue Reading →
Liz Castro has a great post on her Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis blog titled “Multiple Indents.” The post is related to a discussion on Twitter at #ePrdctn with Natasha Fondren (@ebookartisans) on how to ensure that poetic indents will work accurately…Continue Reading →
’Tis the season of digital book publishing conferences, and with them come some opportunities to learn about ePUB 3.0 and receive some training on creating them. Digital Book World 2012 Digital Book World 2012was last week in New York City,…Continue Reading →
On December 7, 2011, the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) issued their BISG Policy Statement POL-1101: Best Practices for Identifying Digital Products. Digital Book World has a nice summary of the report in their post “New ISBN Recommendations to Lay Groundwork…Continue Reading →
One of the great things about ePUB is that you can create navigational tables of content (TOCs) that have nested content. Essentially your can create drop-down menus in the navigational TOC that will show the subdivisions of your ePUB. Chapters…Continue Reading →