#eprdctn hour India Amos (@Indiamos), Senior Content Producer, ePubs, at Amplify Education, led this week’s discussion on documenting workflow. Read the Storify edition here: https://storify.com/LauraB7/eprdctn-documentation-habits EPUB hyphenation Following a spirited discussion on Twitter over how to hyphenate long names and…Continue Reading →
It takes the most dogged of ebook developers to solve the toughest problems. This week, Keith Snyder proves his mettle as he solves a cross-device problem and then digs into a pesky swipe issue. “You come recommended,” he said. “Should be a straightforward…Continue Reading →
Today’s #eprdctn hour featured Diane Burns, Kris Vetter, and Laura Brady talking about two approaches to creating animation. Diane explained using InDesign CC, while Kris focused on CSS3 animations. Both had great insight and information. https://storify.com/KevinBNGO/animation-in-ebooks-indesign-and-css3-approaches#publicize Be sure to scroll to…Continue Reading →
Earlier this week, @snew_pleop asked the #eprdctn thread why fonts were not appearing as expected in iBooks. I wrote back, suggesting he check that the following is in the content.opf: <meta property=”ibooks:specified-fonts”>true</meta> I also mentioned that InDesign doesn’t write that line into…Continue Reading →
If EPUBs are to serve as textbooks for mathematics and science, or if they are even to convey ideas from these fields, it is important that they can properly display complex mathematic equations and scientific formulas. On Websites and in…Continue Reading →
On August 22, Aptara (@aptara) hosted a Webinar titled “eBook & App Device Compatibility: Separating Fact from Fiction” with Joshua Tallent (@jtallent), CEO and Founder of eBook Architects, and Jean Kaplansky (@JeanKaplansky), a Solutions Architect at Aptara. It was an…Continue Reading →
At PePcon 2012, Anne-Marie Concepcion (@amarie) led a session on “Top Scripts and Resources for EPUB.” In #ePrdctn Hour on Twitter June 13 (it happens every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. EST) one of them, Kris Coppieters’s script for converting InDesign page item…Continue Reading →
I am a big fan of what the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is creating with their Readium EPUB reader. Each new version they release is better than the last, and Readium is close to supporting the entire EPUB 3.0…Continue Reading →
Lots of new releases and updates for EPUBs and EPUB creators. BISG EPUB 3.0 Support Grid The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) has released their EPUB 3.0 Support Grid which shows how various eReaders and eBook software support the new…Continue Reading →
Formatting Poetry in ePUB: Part 1 focused on basics of getting poetry indents right on multiple devices. In this post I wanted to give you a round up of other posts that have addressed poetry formatting issues in ePUBs. Most…Continue Reading →