This weeks links

#eprdctn hour India Amos (@Indiamos), Senior Content Producer, ePubs, at Amplify Education, led this week’s discussion on documenting workflow. Read the Storify edition here: https://storify.com/LauraB7/eprdctn-documentation-habits EPUB hyphenation Following a spirited discussion on Twitter over how to hyphenate long names and…Continue Reading →

Animations in children’s fixed-layout books

Today’s #eprdctn hour featured Diane Burns, Kris Vetter, and Laura Brady talking about two approaches to creating animation. Diane explained using InDesign CC, while Kris focused on CSS3 animations. Both had great insight and information.  https://storify.com/KevinBNGO/animation-in-ebooks-indesign-and-css3-approaches#publicize Be sure to scroll to…Continue Reading →