This is another in our ongoing series of guest posts, this time from Rachel Comerford, co-chair of the EPUB 3 Community Group and a contributor to eprdctn. Her full bio is below. I have a confession: I have never taken…Continue Reading →
What’s happening with digital books at the W3C? Well, lots of things. The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) hosted a webinar on just this topic yesterday. Here is a summary. Bill Kasdorf of Apex Covantage summarized the merger of the…Continue Reading →
This article was written by Laurent Le Meur, CTO of European Digital Reading Lab, and Jiminy Panoz. Starting July 3, Jiminy will work on the Readium 2 CSS and be one of your privileged interlocutors throughout the process. We have made…Continue Reading →
This is part of a series of posts aimed at people who are new to ebook development, or people whose work touches on ebooks but for whom this world is a bit mystifying. Please feel free to suggest blog post…Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from Simon Collinson (@Simon_Collinson), a digital editor at Canelo Digital Publishing, where he corrects all the OCR. ‘If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.’ — Carl Sagan…Continue Reading →
Laura BradyJune 30, 2017#eprdctn Hour, CSS, EPUB, ReadiumComments Off on Readium 2 CSS, a call for participation
This article was written by Laurent Le Meur, CTO of European Digital Reading Lab, and Jiminy Panoz. Starting July 3, Jiminy will work on the Readium 2 CSS and be one of your privileged interlocutors throughout the process. Most of you…Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from Julian Calderazi. Julian is an ebook developer from in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We normally read that ‘producing good books is producing accessible books’, which is true. But one of the key ways to…Continue Reading →
As part of their Born Accessible initiative, Benetech is launching a new program called Global Certified Accessible. An exciting new program, and the first of it’s kind, it will verify that reviewed content meets rigorous requirements of accessible content. The…Continue Reading →
I am writing today as an advocate for greater attention to accessibility in the production of ebooks. I am aware that the level of attention and care that ebooks generally get can be described as, well, passing. Inside of many…Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from Ben Dugas at Kobo. Ben is the Manager, Content Display Quality and Production at Rakuten Kobo Inc. in Toronto. A few times a year I’ll find myself in a conversation with Laura Brady or some…Continue Reading →