Matthew February 24, 2012 CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, Fonts, HTML, iBooks, InDesign, Kindle, Kobo, Tools, Uncategorized 27 Comments
If you need to create fixed-layout ePUBs for iBooks, there are a number of resources available for doing so. First, take a look at the iBookstore Asset Guide for Apple’s current specification. This week Anne-Marie Concepcion (@amarie) released her new…Continue Reading →
Matthew February 9, 2012 Beginner's Corner, CSS, EPUB, ePUB2, ePUB3, HTML, iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Tools, Uncategorized 5 Comments
Liz Castro has a great post on her Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis blog titled “Multiple Indents.” The post is related to a discussion on Twitter at #ePrdctn with Natasha Fondren (@ebookartisans) on how to ensure that poetic indents will work accurately…Continue Reading →
As you may have heard, Apple held an event in New York today on education. They announced the release of iBooks 2.0, an update to their iBooks app that supports the new format creators can make with iBooks Author, a…Continue Reading →