EPUBSecrets #Eprdctn Links for January 17, 2018

Welcome to the latest installment of the EPUBSecrets link post, where we curate the top stories related to digital publishing.
- Web. Period. (Daniel Glazman)
- What Does the Publishing Industry Bring to the Web? (W3C)
- AI learns how to fool text-to-speech. That’s bad news for voice assistants (TNW)
- New App, Litlong, Lets You Take a Literary Tour of Edinburgh: Features 50,000 Book Excerpts (Open Culture)
- “Never Use Futura” by Douglas Thomas is the most intriguing (Fastcodesign)
- OER Materials Drive Student Engagement and Savings, Study Finds (EdTech)
- Internationalization is fascinating: the ebook case (Jiminy Panoz)
The #Eprdctn Links post is a joint project of EPUBSecrets and Nate Hoffelder of The Digital Reader.